Floating Hydroponics Set to Make Waves in Coastal Cities
According to designers at UK-based firm Sealeaf, approximately 340 million people will live in 21 megacities worldwide by 2015. Eighteen of those urban centers are located on coasts, providing a unique opportunity for hydroponics to revolutionize the food production industry.
The Sealeaf utilizes two components-the agricultural module designed to take advantage of natural sunlight and rain water, and the floating walkway to allow access. This type of hydroponics system stands as a direct response to urbanization in coastal cities, but can also be used by any residing close to a water source.
Sealeaf’s floating hydroponics system has already won awards and demanded global attention. This type of media coverage and interest bodes well for the entire industry. With research groups, corporations and investors recognizing the value in hydroponics innovations and growth are bound to follow. This provides greater options for those already involved in the industry and attracts many more supporters.
Hydroponics allows the average person to take control of their food production, even if they reside in a megacity. In fact, many hydroponics systems are designed specifically for urbanites looking for ways to grow their own vegetables and plants. Whether it’s purposefully designed systems like the Sealeaf or DIY hydroponics set ups unique to your own situation and location, the benefits of using this technology to enhance food production are far-reaching.
Watch leading design firms, schools and institutions for more innovations and ideas involving hydroponics. Talk to your neighbors about the benefits and watch the industry evolve.